A Few Helpful Things to Check Out Now!

5:00 AM

Happy Marvelous May!  May this month bring you appreciation, warmth and hope!  Check out this potpourri of ideas!

Check out Canva for Making Great Graphics!

 If you need to make any type of graphic for social media, Canva is the place to go!  There are plenty of free options, and you can upload your own pictures ~ which is what I did to create this masterpiece:


A Perfect Mother's Day Gift for Any Mother...

I love checking out Checkiday every morning to learn about out of the ordinary holidays like this one that's right on the horizon:

Click on book to read more at Amazon.
Book Recommendation

Check out this new non-fiction book with a narrator who is a penny:

We really enjoyed reading the history of the penny.  This book would make an excellent addition to any money unit, too!

TPT Teacher Appreciation Sale!

If you're in need of some new resources to get you through the end of the year, remember to check out the TPT sale going on today and tomorrow!  Click on the watermelon to head on over ~ use the code, thankyou18 ~ to receive 25 percent off your purchases from participating sellers!

As always, thank you for visiting the blog today!  Let us know if you purchase any goodies at the TPT Sale!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all!

by Susan K.

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