Books to Start the New School Year Ready and Relaxed
9:32 PMI am frantically packing to make my third annual summer trip to Florida. I've never gone this late in the year and I'm starting to panic. We leave Florida Sunday, and I report for the first required work day on Monday! Even though I'm starting to feel a little bit of stress about vacationing this close to the beginning of the school year, I am determined to relax so I can come back rested and ready.
My favorite 'me-time' thing is ready-- bonus points if its by the pool or ocean. I am packing a huge back of books to read and I want to share them with you. Some of them are professional, some are just for pleasure! (Side note, I'm notorious for reading multiple books at once so I've already started most of these. Hopefully, I'll finish them!
I assembled this list of personal and professional books especially to help me get ready for the school year!
(Please note, some links are affiliate links which means I may receive some pocket change to help support this blog and fund teaching expenses when you make a purchase. As always, the opinions are my own and I promise to only share what I truly love- cross my teacher's heart!)
Click on the title of each book to find it's Amazon page.
Book #1- The Energy Bus
This one is actually a requirement of my school district, but of all the things I have been voluntold to read, this is one of the better ones! It's a quick read of a man who has really reached the bottom of the barrel in life- he's about to get fired, his marriage is falling apart... he's a mess. He then meets a group of people who help him change his life. (Side note, when I was looking for the Amazon link, I found The Energy Bus for Kids! It's going on my read to kids list!)
Book #2- Fearless Learners
There's a quote I have heard many times that goes something like "If the teacher is more tired than the students, the wrong person is doing the work." I have thought about that often, especially as I moved from a Kindergarten position to a Second Grade position.
This book is basically about putting students in charge of their learning by giving them learning paths. Students decide which activity to do during each part of the day. I really like that there are sample days listed by the teachers. However, I still have questions!
-When do they do reading groups?
-What if there isn't enough technology available? (Many of the samples I have read so far were technology heavy. For example, watch video XYZ and complete activity.
I'm hoping to finish the book and find the answers to my questions.
Book #3- At Risk
Sheila Redling, AKA S.G. Redling is one of my favorite authors. Her books are intriguing and full of plot twists. My two favorites of hers are Damocles and Flowertown. Ms. Redling writes across a variety of genres so there is something for everyone!
I actually haven't started this one yet so I'm pumped to jump in. Fun fact- my #tbff Karen grew up with Ms. Redling and that's how we discovered her books. We are definitely #bookgroupies and read everything she puts out!
Book #4- Rocket Boys
Last summer, I had the amazing experience of heading to Space Camp. Not only did I have out of this world experiences, but I met some incredible people. One of them was Homer Hickam, an author and retired NASA engineer. Growing up in WV, Mr. Hickam was a well known name. It was an honor to meet him and I think I bought every book he had! I haven't read this one yet, but it's a memoir and it inspired the movie October Sky.
Book #5- Millionaire Teacher
I started this one last summer after meeting Andrew Hallam and his wife. However, school started and it went back on the shelf.
So there you have it! What is on your current reading list? Drop a note in the comment box and I'll be sure to check it out!
by Crystal @Primary on the Prowl