3 Ways to Celebrate our Students

8:00 AM

It’s that time of year when we start to see all of our hard work paying off.
Our kiddos are reading, writing stories and solving math problems. Who knew when they came to us how successful they would be? Well US of course! So now it’s time to celebrate those successes.

3 Ways to Celebrate Student’s Success

  1. Author’s Walk- An Author’s walk is a great way to showcase your student’s writing. Students choose several pieces to share. You can make it big and elaborate and invite parents and other classes to your Author’s walk or just your class. I usually have students choose the pieces that they want to showcase. They  place them on their desk. Students stand beside their desk as guest walk around and are ready to share their writing with them. Young writers love sharing their writing and they really do begin to see themselves as authors.

  1. Feather in my Cap- I think it is so important to recognize students on
all levels, not just academics. I do not do the traditional end of year       
         awards. I love that we are a family within the classroom. Sometimes I
         will share things about students to parents and they are so surprised.
         So I love giving awards based solely on how students act and interact
         within the classroom. Students and parents both love this. I call
         each student up one at a time and tell why I gave him/her that award.
         Students beam when they hear something good about themselves.
         Using Feather in My Cap awards is a great way to end the year.
         I mean who doesn’t love hearing good things about themselves.

   3.   Technology Expo- We do a lot of technology projects throughout the
          year. A great way to showcase technology projects is to appsmash.
          When you appsmash you publish all your projects in one place.
           I like to use Book Creator (paid app) or imovie(free app). You save
           each product to your camera roll. Then upload the products to
          one of the apps to share. For more ideas on technology projects
Each year we need to take the time and celebrate our student’s successes. No matter how big or how small.  I would love to hear how you celebrate with your students.

by The Primary Sisters

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