Teacher Summer Slide or Teacher Overdrive: Which are You?

12:00 AM

Which are you?  The Teacher Summer Slide or the Teacher Overdrive?  You know teachers are one or the other, but we also know there is a happy medium where all teachers overlap, or at least we hope they do! Let's take a look!  

Teacher Summer Slide

You know this teacher. In fact, you might BE this teacher! You leave the building with very little for summer "planning."  Day one of summer and you are at the beach or pool.  And you continue all through the summer.  You read for yourself, not for your career.  You sleep in, stay away from your computer, Netflix all the new shows and movies, and feel like two weeks or less is the best time to think of next year!  Have no fear, the school year is here, and I will take it all in stride!  I've done this before!  You slide through the summer, floating a pillow of rest and relaxation!  

Teacher Overdrive

Does the Teacher Summer Slide so like a horror story to you?  You might be Teacher Overdrive!  The pool or the beach is a good "side gig" to your summer planning!  Day one and two you rest up.  By Day three you have pulled out something, anything, to connect back to teaching.  Your summer reading list is the stack of professional books you acquired during the school year.  Netflix is your "noise" while you explore, a.k.a work, to prep for next year.  Waiting two weeks to plan is "out of control" because there is "so MUCH to do!" You are on pins and needles waiting for the email that says, "Come on into the building and set -up!"  You are on overdrive through the summer, dreaming up things on your computer instead of your pillow!  

Happy Medium

I am going to admit whole-heartedly to being the Teacher Overdriver, until this summer.  I believe it really began in the last few years, but it has kicked in harder this year because of my crazy life.  I still am thinking about next year, but I have not opened a single anything for school yet.  It is a hard thing to let go, but finding a happy medium can be key to your self-help.  One way I found top help me out was this Self Care Journal from Leslie Auman on TpT.   It has helped me to destress through goal setting and coloring opportunities!  I'm enjoying finding my happy medium!   

Let's All Understand Each Other

So, as you can see, we all know Teacher Summer Sliders and Teacher Overdrivers!  It has taken me a long time, but I have finally come to understand that we must support each other.  After what we have been through, Pandemic and all, we really do need each other now more than ever! 

I'd love for you to jump on over to my website and join in the fun there!  While you are there, sign up for my news letter each month.  I'll be sharing blog posts, ideas, new products, and more over at The Best Days Classroom.com


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by Julie from The Best Days Classroom

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