Holidays & Creativity

9:23 AM

Don't you all just love to celebrate holidays? I absolutely love that each month holds something special and something worth celebrating. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, New Years, Valentines Day, April Fools, St. Patrick's Day, President's Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Labor Day, and more. Even seemingly silly holidays hold value to those that they celebrate or those who started them.

What is something that is important to you? What things in your life are worth celebrating?

Did you know that March 26th is Create Your Own Holiday Day? Each holiday got its beginnings with a person or group of people simply feeling that something in their lives is worth celebrating! So what is that in your life?

Let's put our creative minds together and come up with a holiday that rocks. Download this freebie to get your started or just think about what makes holidays special to you, and what you want to include in your holiday!

Can't wait to see what you come up with,
Hilary @ Mrs. Tech

by Hilary

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  1. Hey Hillary! I love this idea! Every day should be a holiday!

    1. I agree! And there is always something worth celebrating :)


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